About Me

I am the System And Design Analyst at Cypherminds Bangalore. Part time Freelancer.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

A Wallpaper by me

Sometimes Sitting Idle has it's consequences. I made this wally (Wallpaper) as an effect of such a consequence. Hope you like it! :)There are more for big boys (esp.). Boys, can contact me for those. :)


Dalicia said...

more big boys? btw, play airplane is a chinese translation into english. the pilot is the person who's playing truant. the plane can't fly by itself

Dinesh K said...

yeah Elaine!

Actually they're for Big Boys only, as they're Hot! No rules as such. The Term "Big Boys", was just to say that, they are for Adult viewers only :D

But, anyone can have it ofcourse.

I din't want to put them here. Directly. :)

Hmmm. may be that airplane thing, requires me to see what it actually means, if it's other than the Aircraft, Cockpit, Jet, Pilot thing. YOu know the Literal meaning of it. LOL.

But, would like to know more. :D